Big Sky Brighter Future is charting a clear course with concrete policy solutions to rebuild our state.

There's a better Montana on the horizon, and we know how to get there.

See the whole plan

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  • Affordable Utilities
  • Paid Family and Medical Leave
  • Affordable Housing

It’s hard for families to get ahead when they cannot afford the necessities. Families need the basics to be able to focus on their financial future. This is how we build a better tomorrow, one family at a time.

  • Improve Wages and Support for Working Families
  • Expand the State Earned Income Tax Credit

Montanans work hard but earn some of the lowest wages in the nation. We need protections for workers so they can breathe easier, be prepared for the unexpected, and invest in what is next. This is how we make the future brighter for working families.

  • Pre-K and Early Childhood Education
  • Expand Support for Montana Families Attending College
  • Invest in K-12 Education

Montana has a strong public education system, but more must be done. When all Montana students—from cradle to career—receive a quality education, our whole state benefits. This is how we ensure a strong workforce that supports families and how we create a better path for Montana students.

  • Revenue Proposals & Smart Investments

Montana has a history of cutting taxes for the wealthy and creating loopholes for special interests and out-of-state corporations. There is a way to generate the revenue we need and create a tax code that does not put the greatest weight on everyday Montanans. We can create a brighter future when we all pay our fair share.

  • Invest in Tribal Health and Urban Indian Health Programs
  • Protecting the Civil Rights of All Montanans
  • Promote Equity in the Justice System
  • Make Temporary Tribal Property Tax Exemption Permanent
  • Defer to Tribal Taxation Authority
  • Access to Democracy and Voting
Big Sky Brighter Future is a project of the Montana Budget & Policy Center.